Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Holidays

okay, it's been a while but we wanted to make sure we said Happy Holiday's to everyone before we get busier and forget!
Thanksgiving was spent with family in Rochester, Nicholas insisted on taking his Teddy Bear with him and rode with it almost all the way there. While there our Aunt Chris gave him a Moose (now the Chris-Moose!) that plays music and has lights in the antlers that light up and blink. As we expected he was more fascinated by the ribbon originally than the Moose, until it played music then it was all about the Moose!

Sunday we went out and bought our first family Christmas Tree, it is small and fake but we like it and until we're sure how the dog & cat are going to react to it (mostly the cat honestly) we wanted to go simple. Nicholas was very helpful in putting the star on the tree.

The Carsons
Will, Stephanie & Nicholas

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Halloween

Okay, we're a couple days behind but here are some Halloween photos! Nicholas picked his own costume (okay, we took him to the store and held up the pumpkin and the spider because they were the only ones that would fit him, and he picked the spider).
These were actually taken Thursday night when we went to Cleve-Hill Fire Hall for their annual Halloween Parade. Halloween we went to see Grandma, went Trick or Treating with M&M&m&n and Rob & Zoey, then stopped by our friend Connor's house to say HI to everyone.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Love the Fall

It was a pretty cool weekend! Saturday Steph took Nicholas to the Great Pumpkin Patch in Clarence and they had a great time.

Sunday we went to a friends Christianing and then to Darien Lake for the haunted amusement park and got to ride some rides with Mom!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

WNY Guatemala Playgroup

So their is a play group here in Western New York for families who have adopted from Guatemala. We went this past Saturday to our first playgroup that included Nicholas. This months was at the Pepsi Center in the playroom, here is is a picture of Nicholas in one of the padded "tubes" on the floor.

We had a great time and Nicholas spent a lot of time running around, got to try out a slide for the first time (and second, third, fourth.... we liked the slide!).

I will get updates up more frequently in the future!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our first Post

We will be moving our web page from to here as maintaining that page is an annoying pain, Yahoo Pagebuilder is unstable and with being new parents we're concentrating on our new little man not the computer.
We are Stephanie & Will Carson and the adorable little man above is our son Nicholas. We began our journey to bring Nicholas into our family in January of 2007 and on July 25th of 2008 we landed in Atlanta, Georgia where Nicholas began an American citizen. We came home to Buffalo, NY on July 26th and have begun to get into a routine of day to day life. He is truly amazing and we will use this blog to tell his, and our families, story moving ahead. We are excited about this chapter in our life and what is yet to come.