Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Holidays

okay, it's been a while but we wanted to make sure we said Happy Holiday's to everyone before we get busier and forget!
Thanksgiving was spent with family in Rochester, Nicholas insisted on taking his Teddy Bear with him and rode with it almost all the way there. While there our Aunt Chris gave him a Moose (now the Chris-Moose!) that plays music and has lights in the antlers that light up and blink. As we expected he was more fascinated by the ribbon originally than the Moose, until it played music then it was all about the Moose!

Sunday we went out and bought our first family Christmas Tree, it is small and fake but we like it and until we're sure how the dog & cat are going to react to it (mostly the cat honestly) we wanted to go simple. Nicholas was very helpful in putting the star on the tree.

The Carsons
Will, Stephanie & Nicholas

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics!! I've been on Blogger for a while. Easy to use.